Month: May 2020
Friday’s links
- U.S. Jobless Rate Surges to 14.7% in Worst-Ever Labor Reversal – Bloomberg Economics
- Treasury market sends bearish signals as stocks rise – Financial Times
- Health Care Used to Be Recession-Proof. Not Anymore – NY Times
Thursday’s links
- The EU is facing its worst recession ever. Watch out, world. – NY Times
- Texas Economic Activity Sharply Falls in Wake of COVID-19 – Dallas Fed
- Inflation: A Misguided Fear – David Beckworth
Wednesday’s links
- Layoffs Start Turning From Temporary to Permanent Across America – Bloomberg
- World Faces Rare ‘Inflationary Depression,’ Says Keynes Scholar – Bloomberg Economics
- Swiss National Bank’s swollen balance-sheet poses risk to ‘credibility’ – Financial Times
- Fed Embraces Libor Again and Risks Undermining Push to Kill It – Bloomberg
Tuesday’s links
- A Lot of Cash Is on the Sidelines. That Could Limit Stocks’ Slide, Yardeni Says. – Barron’s
- Wall Street’s elite bond club (primary dealers) is cracking at the worst possible time – Bloomberg
- Hedge Funds Aren’t What They Were in Buffett’s Day – John Authers, Bloomberg
- Sam Zell Sees Economy Permanently Scarred by Pandemic – Bloomberg
- Wall Street ‘flying blind’ after companies scrap guidance – Financial Times
Monday’s links
- California Is First State to Borrow From Federal Government to Make Unemployment Payments – WSJ
- Mnuchin to Issue $3 Trillion in Debt After Virus Hobbles Economy – Bloomberg
- Hedge Fund Stock Exposure Is the Highest in at Least Three Years – Bloomberg
- As Hong Kong’s Economy Sinks, Scant Liquidity Underpins Dollar – Tian Chen, Bloomberg
- The business world can never go back to the way things were – FT Opinion
Saturday’s links
Friday’s links
- Just where was the fire that caused the Federal Reserve to buy $1.3 trillion of treasury debt in a month? – John Cochrane.
Basically a bunch of hedge funds replayed an age-old strategy and got caught. Plus ça change. They bought treasury bonds and simultaneously sold them in futures markets. Since treasury bonds are great collateral they can lever up a small price difference to make a lot with little investment. But even arbitrage opportunities are not risk free.
- US stock market rally confuses liquidity with solvency – Gillian Tett, Financial Times.
Despite the massive stimulus moves around the world and the unimaginably large new rounds of money printing, there is substantial uncertainty about the future viability of a large range of businesses.
Paul Singer of Elliott Management
- April 2020 was one of the strongest months in years across numerous markets – WSJ