Monday’s links

  1. Fed Hikes Seen Starting With Yield Curve Flattest in Generation – Bloomberg
  2. Fed to pivot to swift action on inflation in face of rising prices – FT
  3. The Fed Is the Main Inflation Culprit – WSJ Opinion
  4. Fed Hinting At Accelerated Taper, And Yet Eurodollar Curve Still Inverted – Jeff Snider at Alhambra Research
  5. Bond Traders Stare at Worst Real Returns Since Volcker Era – Bloomberg
  6. The yield curve: why investors are watching closely – FT

Monday’s links

  1. Flagging US consumer demand puts economy on track for slowdown – FT Opinion
  2. Morgan Stanley Sees Fed as Greater Threat to Stocks Than Omicron – Bloomberg
  3. High Inflation, Falling Unemployment Prompted Fed Pivot – WSJ
  4. The Fed Scares the Stock Market More Than Covid – Barron’s
  5. Non-bank financial sector: systemic regulation needed – BIS (also on Recommended Articles tab)
  6. The QE Afterparty – Fed Guy (also on Recommended Articles tab)